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expo szuper gallery LondonUK


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wasserpavillon expo sued korea


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archaeologisches museum


tkts 2k ticket booth

archaeologisches museum

wasserpavillon expo sued korea

expo szuper gallery LondonUK

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wasserpavillon expo sued korea

expo szuper gallery LondonUK

archaeologisches museum

wasserpavillon expo sued korea

expo szuper gallery LondonUK

tkts 2k ticket booth

archaeologisches museum

expo szuper gallery LondonUK

tkts 2k ticket booth
2022 Sustainable community centre Myvatn, Iceland
2018 Remodelation of the Embassy of Chile - invited competition
2017 Remodelation of the Embassy of the European Union - first price and commission
2016 PopUp Tour, 4 transformable containers, design and construction - first price and commission
2015 Design of the transformable educative bus of the Museum Tamayo, first price group
2015 Neues transformables Konferrenzzentrum des German Centre in Mexiko, shortlisted
2013 Reurbanization "La Merced" in Mexico City (with P. Huerta, A. Alvera, E. Gama)
2012 Reurbanization "Villa Lomas Altas and Hacienda los Portales" (with C. Davis) shortlisted
2011 New city center for Fargo, North Dakota, (with U. Castro)
2010 Social housing in wood construction in Mexico, (with P. Huerta, H. Moreno)
2009 Residential buildings in a 45º slope in Lima (with J. Schleich, I. Mendez)
2009 The wave, water pavilion EXPO 2012 South Korea (with R. Salasar, D. Figueras, V. Guggel)
2006 Archeological Museum in Tulum, Arquine 2006
2002 Podium, intervention of art Hector-Petersen-Schule, Berlin (with B. Hilgemann) - 1rst price group
2002 Urbane installation of art, Victoriastadt, Berlin (with B. Hilgemann)
2002 Vista 2002 , art in the public space, Rotterdam (with B. Hilgemann) - preselected competition
2001 Urban competition "Queens Plaza", NYC (with B. Hilgemann)
2001 Transformable and transportable Gallerie, Szuper Gallerie , London - first price group
1999 TKTS 2K, moving ticket boothes at the Times Square , NYC (with B. Hilgemann) - nomination
1999 Architecture competition city hall Ostfildern, Dtl (with F. Clarmann) - 4. Preis
1998 Urban competition München - Riem, Dtl (with F. Clarmann) - 5. Preis
1997 Urban competition Hamburg-Heidberg, Dtl (with M. Pool) - shortlisted
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