COC Cocina minimalista, CDMX, Mexico
Remodeling an extremely small kitchen
Design planning
Construction: 6 m2, 1 level
DOG Dog hotel, Coyoacan, Mexico
Remodeling, hostal building with garden for dogs
Design planning,
Construction: 100 m2, 1 level
AMAMC Cabana, Tepoztlán, Mexico
New building, holiday house
Design and executive planning, sustainable advisory and architectural supervision
Construction: 100 m2, 1 level
LUI3 "Luisenhöfe", Apartment 4, Molchow, Neuruppin , Germany
Remodeling and conversion of a monument protected barn
Design planning and advisory, here Apartment 4, attic floor
Construction: 6x67 m2, 2,5 levels, 5 apartments
AMAM Casa AMAM, Tepoztlán, Mexico
New building, land villa
Design planning and sustaiable advisory
Construction: 450 m2, 2,5 levels
CAGUI Casa Carlos y Guillermo, Angangueo , Michoacan, Mexico
New minimalist building, one family house
Design planning and sustainable advisory
Construction: 150 m2, 1 level, courtyard house
CCG Casa CCG, Guanajuato, Mexico
New building, one family house
Design planning and sustainable advisory
Construction: 150 m2, 2,5 levels
LUI2 "Luisenhöfe", Apartment 2, Molchow, Neuruppin , Germany
Remodeling and conversion of a monument protected barn
Design planning and advisory, here Apartment 2, ground floor
Construction: 6x67 m2, 2,5 levels, 5 apartments
AMAM Casa AMAM, Tepoztlán, Mexico
New building, land villa
Pre-Design planning and sustaiable advisory
Construction: 450 m2, 2,5 levels
CCG Casa CCG, Guanajuato, Mexico
New building, one family house
Design planning and sustaiable advisory
Construction: 150 m2, 2,5 levels
SUMI Casa SUMI, Morelos, Mexico
New building, one family house
Design planning and sustainability advisory
Construction: 200 m2, 2 levels
LUI1 "Luisenhöfe", Apartment 3, Molchow, Neuruppin, Germany
Remodeling and conversion of a monument protected barn
Design planning and advisory , here Apartment 3, attic floor
Construction: 6x67 m2, 2,5 levels, 5 apartments
SPAN "Finca Spanky", Santa Maria la Rivera, Mexico City
Extension and remodeling of an urban house
Design and permission planning, sustainability advisory
Construction: 367 m2, 3 levels, 2 apartments, gallery and café
QTZL "Casa Quetzalcoatl", sustainable land house, Morelos, Mexico
Extension and remodeling of a rural house with intelligent air circulation
Design and executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction: 200 m2, 2 levels, residential with atelier and workshop
KATE Fisher house near Rostock, North-Germany
Remodeling and of a fisher house from 1946 to to residential building
Advisory for remodeling and conversion, sustainability advisory
Construction 187 m2, 1,5 levels, 2 apartments
PVVR Villa in Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City (in collaboration with FR-EE)
New building, villa with extensive garden
Executive and detail planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 250 m2, 2 levels
CCC China Cultural Centre, China (in collaboration with FR-EE)
New building, cultural centre
Sustainability advisory, pre planning of the intelligent air circulation
PORT Condominio en colonia Portales, CDMX, Mexico
New building, condominium with apartments and shops
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 1,040 m2, 5 levels
FREY Condominio en colonia Obrera, CDMX , Mexico
New building, condominium with apartments, offices and shops
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 114,400 m2, 8 levels
AMS Condominium in colonia Condesa, Mexico City
New Building, condominium with apartments and shops
Conceptual design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 1,170 m2, 4 floors, 14 apartments, 2 shops
TAB Expandable table, Fulda , Germany
Expandable table
Executive planning
FRAN "Casa Francis", Guadalajara, Mexico
New building, one-family house
Advisory and conceptual planning
200 m2, 2 levels​
DV "Dos Vistas", condominium in Puerto Vallarta (Nuevo Vallarta), Mexico
Apartments with view to the beach at front and to the lagoon on the backside
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 3500 m2, 7 floors, 100 apartments
SPRIGS Digital creators office, Priština, Kosovo
Color concept of entrance, main hall and upper hall
Design planning and advisory
Construction 220 m2, split level 3 floors
LOFT Experimental loft apartment in Brussels, Belgium
Flexible open loft with transformable furniture
Design planning, transformable furniture planning
Construction 200 m2, one level, open transformable space
FES2 Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Mexico, Mexico
Re-design of the central vestibule hall and its furniture
Design and executive planning, supervision of execution
Construction 50 m2, 1 hall, double height
LEN Casa Lena, transformable house for an artist in Mexico City, Mexico
Remodeling and extension of a building from 1920
Design planning and sustainability advisory
Construction 350 m2, three levels, 15 rooms
DUE Delegation of the European Union in Mexico
Sustainable remodeling and complete conversion of a 60s villa to an embassy
Design and executive planning, sustainability planning, supervision, inauguration
Construction 3308 m2, 2 levels, 68 rooms
DUE Delegation of the European Union in Mexico
Sustainable remodeling and complete conversion of a 60s villa to an embassy
Design and executive planning, sustainability planning, supervision of construction
Construction 3308 m2, 2 levels, 68 rooms
FES Extension Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Mexico, Mexico
. Roof extension to include a conference hall with intelligent air circulation and roof garden
Concept and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 56 m2, conference hall, bathroom, roofed path
BAN Bank subsidiary in Santa Fe, Mexico City
Remodeling of the subsidiary of a bank in Santa Fe
Layout, design and furniture planning
Construction 345 m2, 1 level, 8 rooms
HEL Exposition "Espacios de Especies", Centro de Cultura Digital, CDMX
Exposition furniture and installation
Design and executive planning, supervision of execution
Construction stand 10 m2, 1 level
MUE Castle Muehlberg (1272 / 1545), Saxonia , Germany
Remodeling of the medieval/renaissance castle under monument conservation aspects
Profound advisory for the renovation and conversion and sustainability aspects
Construction 900 m2, hotel, theatre, restaurant, apartments
Diverse advisories for renovations of apartments
Advisory about sustainable systems (actives and passives) in an academic auditory project
DUE "Green Delegation of the European Union" in Mexico
Sustainable remodeling and complete conversion of a 60s villa to an embassy
with solar panels, rain water caption, intelligent passive air ventilation system
Design and executive planning, sustainability planning, supervision of construction
Construction 3308 m2, 2 levels, 68 rooms
AGUA "Sustainable vacation houses Aguas Blancas" in Michoacán, Mexico
Eight transformable, sustainable vacation houses at a lake
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 1,984 m2, 8 houses, 1 level
TOPO "Topography for personal messages", art installation, Mexico City
Art installation at Torre Latinoamericano at Historical Center
Design and executive planning
Construction 60 m2, 1 level
LAB Synergy Bio Tech Lab, Mexico City
Remodeling of a laboratory with conference room, offices, test and preparation rooms
Conceptual and design planning, price estimation
Construction 369 m2, 3 levels
POPUP PopUp Tour: highlight event of the Año Dual Alemania-México 2016-17
4 transformable foldable exhibition containers
Supervision of the execution and help in the first tour stations
Construction 116 m2, 4 x 40 ship containers
ARG "Commercial Plaza Argentina 95", Mexico City
Mini shopping mall for FCH Fideicomiso Centro Historico
Design and executive planning of the new building in participative design process
Construction 1904 m2, 3 floors, 72 shops
POPUP PopUp Tour: highlight event of the Año Dual Alemania-México 2016-17
4 transformable foldable exhibition containers,
Design and executive planning and supervision of the execution
Construction 116 m2, 4 x 40 ship containers
CALL "Call station", Mexico City
Multifunctional and transformable station with cafeteria, conference room and offices, parking, for a Call Centre in CDMX
Design and executive planning
Construction 215 m2, 1,5 floors
TLS "Transformable Lobby Screens", German Centre, Mexico City
Flexible multi-functional and transformable screens for the vestibule of the GC
Design and Executive planning, supervision of execution
3 screens (triptych) , 2 meters high, 3x1 meter wide
BIO "BIO Model Farm" in Veracruz, Mexico
Model farm for organic agricultural mass production with showroom
​ Master planning for farm area, design planning of the main building
Farm 22,000 m2, main building 900 m2, 1,5 floors
RAS "Rastro/Abattoir in containers", Tabasco, Mexico
Abattoir unity in container modules, with TIFF certification
Conceptual and design planning, executive and sustainability planning
Construction in containers 267 m2, 2 levels, 11 containers
GCC "New conference center for the German Centre", Mexico City
Flexible transformable design with movable kitchen and communication cabins
Conceptual and design planning
BOJ "Puente Bojorquez ", in Cancun, Mexico, for FONATUR the Tourism Ministry
A complex bike path, two public squares and a viewing platform fixed at a new car
bridge over the lagoon of Cancun
Design and executive planning, sustainability planning
Bicycle bridge and ramp 1,25 km length
ROB "Casa Robotica"
A conceptual transformable house design with robotic cubes
Conceptual and design planning, executive planning
Construction 27 m2, 1 level
PIN "Casa Piños" in Mexico City (with P. Huerta)
Extension of a one family house in Mexico City
Design and executive planning
Construction 381m2, 3 levels
MOD "Modules for arte " in UNAM, Mexico City
Flexible movable modules for art exhibitions in and around the UNAM campus
Design planning
Construction 8 m2, 2 modules
BET "Casa Betz", Coyoacan, Mexico City
New building, one-family house in the south of Coyoacan
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 254 m2
MAR "Casa Marcelo", Monterrey, Mexico
New building, one-family house at a hill with complex internal view connections
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 254 m2 , split level over 5 levels at the hill
ORI "Woonerf in calle Orizaba", Roma Norte, Mexico City
Urban design, transforming Orizaba street from a car street in a living street
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Area 3060 m2, several kiosks and green areas
OFI Remodeling offices at the airport in Mexico City
Remodeling three floors of offices with glass separations and transparent quality
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 1125 m2, 3 levels
JAV "House Javi" in Tepic, Mexico City
New Building , one family house with patio sequences in a very slim site (4 x 22m)
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Area 88m2, construction 65 m2, 1 level
OEB "Green Embassy" of Austria in Mexico City, Mexico (with B. Rehn)
Sustainable renovation and remodeling, solar panels, rain water capture
Design, sustainability and executive planning, supervision of construction
Construction 608 m2, 2,5 levels
RCC Experimental restaurant "Rosario", Coyoacan, Mexico City, Mexico
Restaurant with turning seat-table units and interactive ceiling projections
Design planning and digital projection planning, executive planning
Construction 110 m2, 1 level
SHM Sustainable hotel Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Remodeling of a hotel in Merida
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 1.800 m2 , 2 levels, pools, exterior spa areas
SCH "Seven cenotes" resort hotel, Yucatan, Mexico
Sustainable resort hotel with central building, cabins and cenote caves
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory and planning
Area 1,3 ha, central building 2 levels, cabins 1 level
PACH "Tu hogar", Pachuca , Mexico
New Buildings, development of different house types in Pachuca
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 180 m2, 2 levels, 3 house types
CEC "House Cecilia" in San Miguel de Chapultepec, Mexico City
New Building , one family house
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 180 m2, 2 levels
DAV "House David" in San Vicente, Mexico
New building, one family house
Conceptual design and sustainability advisory
Construction 280 m2, 2,5 levels
INF Mexicali, Mexico (with C. Davis)
Sustainable urban renewal projects with INFONAVIT in two colonies in Mexicali
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability planning
Areas Villa Lomas Altas 280ha, Hacienda de los Portales 289 ha.
GAL "Pedestrian boulevard Dr. Gálvez - CU de la UNAM", Mexico City
Sustainable urban intervention
Conceptual, design and partial executive planning
Length of the project 900 m, 4 phases of execution
CDP Casa del Padre, Hidalgo, Mexico (with M. Robles)
New building, one-familiy house
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 190 m2
AVI Aviary in Puebla, Mexico (with M. Robles)
New construction
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 660 m2
RCP Restaurant Cafe Pedregal, Mexico City (with J.M. Deering and M. Robles)
New building, cafes, restaurants, penthouse, parking
Conceptual and design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 490 m2
UNS Cuaji Campus, Uni Sur, Hueycantenango, Mexico
Extension of the University campus
Conceptual and sustainability advisory
Area of extension 390 m2
LOR Headquarter of l'Oréal, Mexico City, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Office extension
Design and executive planning
Area of extension 90 m2
BEL "Belgian Boutique", Mexico City (with M.Robles)
A boutique for Belgium chocolate in a shopping mall
Design planning, executive planning
Construction 57m2, 1,5 levels
CEC "Centro Estudios Culturales Mixteca", Oaxaca, Mexico (with M.Robles)
New building, Cultural and investigation Center of Mixteca culture,
Master planning, design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 6.499 m2, 2,5 levels
MPM "Masterplan Puerto Marqués", Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico
Urban renewal strategy with urban catalysts in participative design
Master planning, strategy and sustainability planning
Area urbana 207.210 m2
GLO "Tiendas Glorieta", Mexico City
New building, design for flexible transformable shops at Glorieta Insugentes
Conceptual and design planning
Construction 1.200 m2, 1 level
FLY "Flyport Mexico", Mexico
Representation of Flyport Europe in Mexico, airports in fast modular system construction
Investigation, connecting , adjustment planning
Construction 50.000 m2, 2 levels
CPP "Casa Parque Puebla", Puebla, Mexico
Minimal house with view to a park
Conceptual design planning
Construction 96 m2, 2 levels
CTJ "Casa Trans Jardín", Mexico City
Transformable minimal house in a garden with multifunctional spaces
Conceptual design and executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction 110 m2, 2,5 levels
EDU "Educon" Schools in containers, Mexico
Educational institutions constructed in a container module system
Master planning, design and executive planning, sustainability planning
Flexible modules from 4-24 classes according to the site, 1-3 levels
COF "Coffee T", Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Office building with coffee shop
Concept and design planning, sustainable concept planning
Construction 550 m2, 4 levels
UMT Sustainable urban renewal plan for Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Master planning based on DUIS (Desarollo Urbano Integral Sustentible) principles
Concept and design planning, sustainability planning
Area 240 ha
AUD "Auditorio Museo Tlaxiacio", Oaxaca, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Retractile textile roof for the museum auditory
Concept and design planning
Area 900 m2
ESC "Escultura de pelota Mixteca", Tlaxiaco, Mx (with M. Robles)
Public interactive sculpture
Design planning, perspective perception planning
Area 608 m2
ASC "Espacios públicos en Azcapotzalco",Mexico City (with N.Kobayashi, R. Rojas)
Public space design for an urban study
Design planning, sustainability planning
Area 3.405 m2
MER "Mercado nuevo Tlaxiaco", Oaxaca, Mexico (with M. Robles)
New marked building with halls, exterior yards and parking
Design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 2.914 m2, 1,5 levels
STS "Save the suburb",public squares, suburbs in Puebla, MX (with M. Robles)
Urban design planning of public squares
Concept and design planning, sustainability planning
Area 250 m2, 2 squares
ABF Vacation houses in resort Aguas Blancas, Michoacan, MX
Masterplan of a sustainable vacation house settlement at a hill
Master planning, design planning and sustainability planning
Area 88.040 m2, 94 casas de 2 pisos
SHP Lada Centro Shop in Tlaxiaco, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Remodeling of a Cellular phone shop
Concept and design planning, executive planning
Construction 94 m2, 1 level
QUE Public squares in suburbs in Queretaro, Mexico (with M. Robles)
Urban design planning of public squares
Concept and design planning, sustainability planning
Area 350 m2, 3 squares
SHIJ "Shijir-Science Park" masterplan, North Mongolia (with A. Lupfer)
New Science city: university, production, housing, commercial and cultural buildings,
sustainable transport systems, sustainable energy and waster water treatment,
Master planning, design and executive planning, extensive sustainability planning
Area 643 ha, buildings of 2-5 levels
ROS "Rosenzweig house", Toluca, Mexico (with B. Rehn)
New building, cantilevered house in a hill, multiple view connections
Design planning, executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction 160 m2, 1,5 levels
2008 ​
HILL "Church at the hill", Puebla, Mexico (with A. Niño de Rivera)
Church building in the center of a village, with public stairs for celebrations
Design planning, urban planning
Construction 350 m, 1,5 level
MAN "Mango church", Puebla, Mexico (with A. Niño de Rivera)
Sustainable church from bamboo and natural stone on a summit in the jungle
Design planning, executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction 470 m2, 1 level
SPA Sustainable SPA, in a desert ranch of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Remodeling of a ranch, extension with resort buildings,
Design planning, executive planning and sustainability planning
Construction 828 m2, SPA area 1,2 ha, 1,5 - 2 level buildings
JUN "Jungle church", in the jungle of Puebla, Mexico (with A. Niño de Rivera)
Sustainable church building, intelligent air circulation, on existing natural stone walls
Design planning, executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction 950 m2, 1 level
TEXT A show room for a textile designer in Mexico City, Mexico
Remodeling of a showroom with office
Concept planning, design planning
Construction 84m2, 1 level
SLIM "Slimlife", slim condominium in Raval, Barcelona, Spain
New building, condominium in a extreme site of only 3meters wide and 12meters long
Concept planning, design planning, sustainability planning
Construction 302 m2, 7 levels, 6 split level apartments, 1 shop
SPC "The capsule", futuristic Villa near Amsterdam, Netherlands
New building, futuristic Villa with pool window, panorama living and sky view rooms
Concept planning, Design planning, Executive Planning, Sustainability planning
Construction 221 m2, 2,5 levels
IEF The new IEF center with a conference hall, Amsterdam, Netherlands
New building as an extension of the remodelling of a 19th century villa
Design planning, Executive planning, Sustainability planning
Construction 670 m2, 2 levels, conference hall, class rooms, administration
NEU 4 city villas at the lake at Neuruppin, Germany
New building, 4 sustainable lake villas, each for 4 apartments
Design planning and sustainability planning
Construction 3250 m2, 4 villas, 2 levels, 16 apartments
STIG "The stage house", Villa "de Stighter", Los Angeles, USA
New building, stage like villa with transformable floor plan for three parties
Design planning, executive planning, sustainability planning
Construction 219 m2, 2 levels, 3 private spaces and studios, one common area
ZERP Masterplan Marina Zerpenschleuse, Berlin, Ger (with A. Stolzenberg)
Sustainable yacht marina with vacation house settlements and clubhouse
Master planning, design planning, sustainability planning
Area 240 ha, 150 vacation houses, 1 clubhouse, a harbor for 250 yachts
FLOR Wilhelmine apartment house from 1890, Berlin- Pankow, Germany
Extensive renovation and remodeling of an antique building from 1890
Design and executive planning, supervision
Construction 1250 m2, 4 levels, 6 apartments and 2 shops
PROF House "Profft", Berlin-Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
New building, one-family-house, multi-generation house
Design and executive planning, supervision of construction
Construction 210 m2, 1,5 levels
Design planning and remodeling of several restaurants and shops in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany
FECH House "Fechner", Berlin-Renickendorf, Germany (with A. Stolzenberg)
New building, one-family-house
Design and Executive planning,
Construction 150 m2, 1,5 floors
C3 New apartment building in the center of Berlin, Germany (with F. Diegelmann)
New building, Transformable apartments with movable walls
Design and executive planning, supervision, developing and selling
Construction 1728 m2, 8 level apartment building with 10 apartments
ZEL Villa Zehlig, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany (with A. Stolzenberg)
Remodeling and extension or a 50s bungalow,
Conceptual and Design planning, sustainability advisory
Construction 280 m2, 2 levels
RET Apartment building at BDoberan/Rostock, Germany (with F. Diegelmann)
New building, rural area
Design and executive planning, supervision, project developing and selling
Construction 315 m2, 4 apartments, 1,5 levels